Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I just wanted to say that no matter if you think the source of 'love' is from that pictured above or you've realized that it is likely the result of dopamine, vasopression, oxytocin (etc) and a vastly complex socio-cognitive process, enjoy it!
Being in love (thinking you are is just as good) is one of the most beautiful freebies we get in the universe. Hold on to every precious moment.
ps: If you're paying for it, though it may still be good, it probably isn't love.
"If you're paying for it, though it may still be good, it probably isn't love."
...although, it has been observed that the difference between ‘love’ that you pay for and ‘love’ that is free, is that the latter usually costs more.
I guess we need a way to associate financial costs with an EEI (emotional expenditure index). :P
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